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Le scarpe da calcio
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speakerLethe scarpe da calciogame shoes

speakerCarlo eand Liliana stanno giocandoare playing a calciosoccer.
Carlo and Liliana are playing baseball.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's not right.
headspeakerLiliana! Noiwe giochiamoplay a calciosoccer tutti i giornievery day…
headspeakerEand ioI vincowin semprealways!
Click on the option meaning "win."
headspeakerPeròbut oggitoday èis diversodifferent…
headspeakerPerchébecause sto indossandoI'm wearing le miemy scarpe nuove da calcionew soccer shoes!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSonoare they expensive care?
headspeakerSonothey are moltovery careexpensive!
headspeakerEand oranow seiare you bravogood aat giocare aplaying calciosoccer?
headspeakerConwith questethese scarpeshoes, sonoI am moltovery bravogood inat tutti gli sportevery sport!
What does Carlo mean?
  • His new shoes are very uncomfortable.
  • He's good at every sport when he's wearing his new shoes.
  • He only plays barefoot.
speakerLiliana prendetakes lathe pallaball eand fa un golscores a goal.
headspeakeryes! Golgoal!
headspeakerCosawhat?! Peròbut……​ indossoI'm wearing le miemy scarpe nuovenew shoes!
headspeakerIoI non ho bisogno didon't need scarpe costoseexpensive shoes, Carlo…​ perchébecause io mi allenoI practice!
Why can Liliana score more goals than Carlo?
  • Because she has expensive shoes.
  • Because she practices.
  • Because her dad is a famous soccer player.
headspeakerNon mi piaccionoI don't like le miemy scarpe nuovenew shoes…
headspeakerAhAh! Me le regalican you give them to me?
What does Liliana want to know?
  • If Carlo can give her his new shoes.
  • Where Carlo bought his new shoes.
  • How Carlo is so good at soccer.
Tap the pairs