ZariZari eand LilyLily esare inon lithe autobusbus.
LilyLily, haythere is una novnew studianto(male) student inin norour classeclass!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Suhis nóminename esis MiguelMiguel.
Yesyes, ilhe esis defrom MexicoMexico.
Suhis patrefather scriwrites libresbooks!Select the missing phrase

Tre interessantvery interesting.
Ilhe parlaspeaks hispanSpanish, anglesiEnglish eand portugalesiPortuguese.
Ahoh, ilhe esis inteligentintelligent.
Inteligentintelligent… eand alttall. Eand ilhe havehas trevery bellpretty…How does Zari describe Miguel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Yesha, yesha, yesyes?
Mmmhmm… Trevery bellpretty sapatesshoes.
ZariZari, MiguelMiguel esis detrabehind teyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, te.

Salutehello, MiguelMiguel!
Salutehello, LilyLily! Qualmenhow tu standaare you?
Bonfine, mersíthank you.
MiguelMiguel, tithis esis mi amicamy friend, ZariZari.
Ellashe amalikes tuiyour… sapatesshoes.
Ahoh, mmmhmm, salutehello… MiguelMiguel.Zari didn't realize that…
…Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
…Miguel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs