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Aftensmad med familien
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speakerAftensmad med familienA family dinner

speakerLinLin eris iat Beas husBea's house. HunShe gårgoes tilto køkkenetthe kitchen.
speakerHunShe sersees megeta lot of madfood ogand firefour flasker vinbottles of wine on bordetthe table.
headspeakerWowWow! Der erThere is megeta lot of madfood herhere.
headspeakerJaYes, minmy familiefamily kommeris coming tilto aftensmadhave dinner.
Bea's family is coming to her house for breakfast.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerÅhOh. Kan jeg spiseCan I eat nogetsome kagecake?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerMenBut du har tre kageryou have three cakes!
headspeakerJegI har brug forneed trethree kagercakes.
headspeakerwell, jeg kan drikkeI can drink et glas vina glass of wine?
What's next?
headspeakerDu haryou have firefour flaskerbottles vinof wine!
  • bordthe
  • kageof
  • vinof
headspeakerJegI har brug forneed alall denthat vinwine.
headspeakerKan jeg spiseCan I eat nogetsome pizzapizza?
headspeakerNejNo, LinLin.
headspeakerOkayOkay? hvilket tidspunktAt what time eris aftensmadenthe dinner medwith din familieyour family?
headspeakerÅhOh, aftensmadenthe dinner medwith minmy familiefamily eris i næstenext ugeweek.
Choose the option that means "in the next."
Åh, med min er .
Tap what you hear
headspeakerAltAll det herof this eris tilfor mig selvmyself.
headspeakerJeg harI have ena meget besværlig familievery difficult family! Jeg erI am nervøsnervous!
headspeakerJeg har brug forI need alall dennethis madfood ogand alall vinenthe wine nunow.
Bea has a very difficult family so…
  • …she needs all the food and wine for herself.
  • …she's giving the food to Lin instead.
  • …she stopped talking to them.
Tap the pairs