LinLin gåris walking tilto sit husher house.Select the missing phrase
Hun har to pizzaerShe has two pizzas.
HunShe sersees OscarOscar påon gadenthe street.
GoddagHello, LinLin. Ogand dethose pizzaerpizzas?
De erThey are frafrom EmilsEmil's restaurantrestaurant.
Jeg elskerI love denthat restaurantrestaurant!
Jeg vil også gerne haveI also want(polite) pizzapizza!pizza

ÅhOh, menbut restaurantenthe restaurant eris lukketclosed.
ÅhOh nejno…
DuYou harhave totwo pizzaerpizzas. Må jeg købeCan I buy enone afof dine pizzaeryour pizzas?
Undskyld, men nejI'm sorry but no. Én er tilOne is for min bedstemormy grandmother, LucyLucy, ogand den andenthe other eris tilfor migme.
HmmHmm… Må jeg spiseI can eat en smulea little afof din pizzayour pizza?
ØhEh… Nejno, OscarOscar, detthat eris underligtstrange.Choose the option that means "strange."
… Nej, , er .
LinLin gårgoes away.
NuNow vil jeg virkelig haveI really want en pizzaa pizza frafrom den restaurantthat restaurant!
OscarOscar ringercalls til nogensomeone over telefonenon the phone.
HejHello, LucyLucy, jeg erI'm OscarOscar. Har du planerDo you have plans til aftensmadfor dinner?
JaYes, pizzapizza medwith LinLin. Vil duDo you want spiseto eat medwith osus?
JaYes, okayOK. Mange takThank you very much!How sneaky! Oscar called Lucy because…
…he wanted her to invite him for dinner.
…she wouldn't answer his texts.
…he wanted to wish her happy birthday.
Tap the pairs