Jeg kommer altid for sent
LinLin ogand LucyLucy serare watching TVTV.
Den er seks trediveIt's six thirty!
ÅhOh nejno! Beas festBea's party eris omin en halv timehalf an hour!Bea's birthday party is starting very soon.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Jeg kan ikkeI can't komme for sentbe late!
LinLin løberruns tilto stoppestedetthe bus stop, menbut det erit's fortoo sentlate.iin en udsendelsea show
en festa party
fortoo sentlate

NejNo! MinNy busbus!
NuNow skal jegI have to ringe efterto call en taxia taxi.
Lins telefonLin's phone virker ikkedoesn't work.
ÅhOh nejno! BatterietThe battery!
LinLin løberruns tilto restaaurantenthe restaurant. HunShe sersees BeaBea.
BeaBea! HerHere er jegI am!Select the missing phrase

Et øjeblikOne moment. HvorWhere erare alleall dineyour vennerfriends? Klokken er syvIt's seven o'clock!
HahaHa ha! DinYour invitationinvitation sigersays, atthat festenthe party eris klokken syvat seven, fordibecause du altid kommeryou always arrive for sentlate.
MenBut minmy festparty eris klokken otteat eight.Lin rushed to be on time for Bea's party, but…
…the party was canceled.
…she was still an hour late.
…she was actually an hour early.
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