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Lily'nin Kıyafetleri
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speakerLily'nin KıyafetleriLily's clothes

speakerZariZari Lily'nin evindediris at Lily's house. Lily'nin kıyafetlerineLily's clothes bakarshe looks at.
Zari is looking at Lily's homework.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerSeninyou bir sürüa lot of morpurple kıyafetinclothes varhave.
headspeakerMorpurple benim favori rengimis my favorite color.
What is Lily's favorite color?
  • red
  • purple
  • brown
headspeakerBeşfive morpurple gömleğeshirts mi ihtiyacın varyou need?
headspeakerEvetyes, veand beşfive morpurple kabanacoats.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerVeand dörtfour morpurple şapkayahats?
headspeakerEvetyes, şapkalarımamy hats ihtiyacım varI need.
headspeakerSanafor you bir sürprizima surprise var(I) have .
Choose the option that means "a surprise."
speakerZari'ninZari bir çifta pair of kırmızıred güneş gözlüğüsunglasses vardırshe has.
headspeakerButhis is senin içinfor you. En sevdiğim mağazadanthey are from my favorite store.
Zari gives Lily a pair of red sunglasses…
  • …that she designed.
  • …that she found in the trash.
  • …from her favorite store.
headspeakerEe eh Teşekkür ederimthank you.
headspeakerKırmızı renkthe color red senin içinfor you mükemmelis perfect.
headspeakerMağazadaat the store morpurple güneş gözlüğüsunglasses var has?
Lily likes the sunglasses but…
  • …she'd prefer them in purple.
  • …they're way too purple.
  • …they're too expensive.
Tap the pairs