LilyLily ogand ZariZari erare tilin timeclass.
ØhEh… LilyLily? Kan du hjælpe migCan you help me?
Jeg ved ikkeI don't know... hvadwhat har du brug fordo you need?
Jeg kan ikke tageI can't go tilto basketballtimebasketball class i dagtoday.
Du kan fortælleYou can tell the trænerencoach, atthat jeg erI am sygsick?Zari wants Lily to tell their basketball coach that she's sick.
Yes, that's right.
No, that's wrong.

DuYou er ikkeare not sygsick, ZariZari.
HostCough, hostcough, hostcough! MenBut jeg harI have ena seddelnote frafrom minmy lægedoctor, selook...
ZariZari givergives sedlenthe note tilto LilyLily.Select the missing phrase

ZariZari, duyou skrev denne seddelwrote this note.
Selvfølgelig ikkeOf course not!
ZariZari, jegI vedknow, nårwhen du lyveryou lie.Choose the option that means "you lie."
, ved, .

OkayOK, jeg skal tilI'm going to indkøbscenteretthe mall for at seto see mit yndlingsbandmy favorite band, CityboysThe Cityboys.Zari's favorite band is performing…
…in a park.
…in a stadium.
…at the mall.

ØhEh, nejno. Jeg kan ikke hjælpe digI can't help you.
JaYes, jegI vedknow, at jeg ikke må lyvethat I can't lie, det erthat is forkertwrong.
NejNo, jeg kan ikke hjælpe digI can't help you, fordibecause CityboysThe Cityboys erare megetvery dårligebad.Why won't Lily help Zari?
She thinks the City Boys are very bad.
She doesn't want to get sick.
She doesn't want Zari to go to basketball practice.
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