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Lucy ve Dinozorlar
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speakerLucyLucy veand Dinozorlarthe dinosaurs

speakerLucyLucy dairesinin kapısınıher apartment's door açar(she) opens.
headspeakerSelamhello JuniorJunior!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSelamhello! Ödevimimy homework yapmamame doing yardım eder misinwould you help?
headspeakerBir şeysomething yazmakto write zorundayımI have to.
headspeakerAhoh, evetyes!
headspeakerÇokvery iyiwell yazarımI write. Çok popüler bira very popular blogummy blog var(I) have.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBlogumumy blog okurread musundo you?
headspeakerBirçokmany kitabımmy books var(I) have.
headspeakerÖdevinyour homework içinfor kitaplarımamy books ihtiyacın var do you need?
What's next?
headspeakerHayırno, banato me kitaplarınyour books lazım değilare not needed.
  • kedilerinyour cats
  • kitaplarınyour books
  • dairenyour apartment
headspeakerPekiwell ödevinyour homework newhat is hakkında(it) about?
headspeakerDinozorlarladinosaurs ilgili(it is) about.
What is Junior's homework about?
  • dinosaurs
  • social media
  • Ottoman poetry
headspeakerVeand yardımımımy help nedenwhy istiyorsunyou want?
headspeakerÇünkübecause çokvery yaşlısınyou are old.
headspeakerÇokmany dinozordinosaurs biliyorsunyou know değil miright?
headspeakerHoşça kalbye, JuniorJunior.
Why did Junior think Lucy knew about dinosaurs?
  • She is older than him.
  • She used to have a dinosaur as a pet.
  • She writes a blog about dinosaurs.
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