LilyLily ogand ZariZari ankommerarrive tilat biografenthe movie theater.
En drengA boy frafrom derestheir skoleschool arbejderworks dérthere.
HejHello, BenjaminBenjamin. ToTwo billettertickets tilfor BlodsøenThe Blood Lake, takplease.Select the missing phrase

NejNo, I er for ungeyou're too young til at seto watch den filmthat movie.
MenBut du sælger os altidyou always sell us billettertickets tilfor gyserfilmhorror movies!
ÅhOh, ogand I haryou have kaffecoffees frafrom butikkenthe store over gadenacross the street.
I må ikkeyou can't gå ind ienter biografenthe movie theater medwith detthat.
LilyLily smiderthrows kaffenthe coffees iinto skraldespandenthe trash.
HeyHey! Minmy kaffecoffee, ogand den havdeit had ekstra chokoladeextra chocolate!
UndskyldI'm sorry.
OkayOkay, menbut jeg sælger jer ikkeI'm not going to sell you billetternethe tickets.billetternethe tickets
skraldespandenthe trash
meremore chokoladechocolate

I taler altidYou always talk igennemduring filmmovies.
Hvad er der galt med digWhat's wrong with you, BenjaminBenjamin? Vi er vennerWe are friends, ikkeno?
VirkeligReally? Vi erWe are vennerfriends, ogand hvorforwhy må jeg ikkecan't I være ibe in jeres bandyour band?Ah ha! Benjamin won't sell them tickets because…
…he wants to be in their band.
…they poured his coffee in the trash.
…the theater is already full.

ØhEh, hvad taler du omWhat band are you talking about?
Jeg hørte jerI heard you tale omtalking about jeresyour bandband iin timenclass.
OkayOkay, du måyou can værebe voresour guitaristguitar player.
PerfektPerfect, hvornårwhen øver viare we going to practice?Select the missing phrase

ÅhOh… I morgentomorrow efter skoleafter school.
NuNow kan du sælge oscan you sell us billetternethe tickets til at seto watch BlodsøenThe Blood Lake?
Jayes, menbut i morgentomorrow efterafter øvetimenpractise hour medwith voresour bandband.When can Zari and Lily see "Blodsøen"?
after they get more coffee
after they have band practice with Benjamin
any time they want
Tap the pairs