SariSari ochand LillyLilly ärare påon bussenthe bus.
LillyLilly, ena nynew elevstudent harhas börjatbegun iin vårour klassclass!Sari tells Lilly that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Han heterhis name is MichaelMichael.
Jayes, hanhe kommer frånis from Tysklandgermany.
Hanshis farfather skriverwrites böckerbooks!Select the missing phrase

Väldigt intressantvery interesting.
Hanhe talarspeaks tyskaGerman, engelskaEnglish ochand svenskaSwedish.
Åhoh, han ärhe is smartintelligent.
Smartintelligent… ochand långtall ochand han harhe has väldigtvery vackrapretty…How does Sari describe Michael?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Hahahaha, vad merwhat more?
Hmmhmm… väldigtvery vackrapretty skorshoes.
SariSari, MichaelMichael äris bakombehind digyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, .

Hejhello, MichaelMichael!
Hejhello, LillyLilly! Hur mår duhow are you?
Fintfine, tackthank you.
MichaelMichael, det härthis äris min vänmy friend, SariSari.
Hon gillarshe likes dinayour… skorshoes.
Åhoh, hmmhmm, hejhello… MichaelMichael.Sari didn't realize that…
…Michael's shoes were so ugly.
…Michael was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs