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La luna de miel
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speakerLaThe luna de mielhoneymoon

speakerAnaAna esis enin una taxitaxi.
headspeakerAlohello, bongood matinamorning.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAlohello, meI nesesaneed vadeto go ato lathe airoportoairport, per favoreplease.
headspeakerLo no esit's not una vacansevacation
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMeI avehave un biletaa ticket perto MadridMadrid.
headspeakerBonwell dutwo biletastickets.
headspeakerMadridMadrid esis meamy site favoredafavorite city! Lo esit's multevery belabeautiful!
headspeakerLo esit's meamy luna de mielhoneymoon
Why is Ana going to Madrid?
  • She's going on her honeymoon.
  • She is learning how to dance flamenco.
  • She is getting married there.
headspeakerAhoh. Dowhere esis tuayour sposohusband?
headspeakerMe no aveI don't have una sposohusband. MeI avehave una sposa multe difisilvery difficult wife!
headspeakerElshe no voledoesn't want vadeto go ato MadridMadrid conwith meme.
Oh no! Ana's wife…
  • …forgot to pack her sunscreen.
  • …is already in Madrid.
  • …doesn't want to go to Madrid with her.
headspeakerMeI esam multevery tristesad.
headspeakerAhoh pardona meI'm sorry.
headspeakerBonwell noswe esare aat lathe airoportoairport.
speakerUn fema woman conwith una valissuitcase coreruns en dirije atowards lathe taxitaxi.
Choose the option meaning "runs."
un valis en dirije a la .
headspeakerPardona me multeI'm so sorry!
headspeakerMeI amalove tuyou.
headspeakerMeI ama ance tulove you too.
headspeakerTa ce nos vadelet's go ato MadridMadrid!
headspeakerJoiaenjoy vosayour luna de mielhoneymoon!
What will happen next?
  • Ana will start her new job at the airport.
  • Ana and the taxi driver will go to Madrid together.
  • Ana and her wife, Salma, will go to Madrid together.
Tap the pairs