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Uusi takki
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speakerUusia takkinew coat

speakerVikramVikram onis kaupassain a store.
speakerNainena woman puhuutalks to hänellehim.
headspeakerHyvää huomentagood morning!
headspeakerHyvää huomentagood morning.
headspeakerTyöskenteletködo you work täällähere?
A woman asks Vikram if he works at the store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerTäydellistäperfect! TarvitsenI need apuahelp.
Choose the option that means "help."
! .
headspeakerTarvitsenI need uuden takina new jacket.
headspeakerPidätködo you like punaisestathe red takistacoat?
The woman asks Vikram if he…
  • …wants a new coat.
  • …likes working at the store.
  • …likes the red coat.
headspeakerVaior pidätkö enemmändo you prefer ruskeastathe brown one?
headspeakerRuskea takkithe brown coat onis mukavacomfortable jaand halpacheap.
headspeakerMuttabut punainenthe red one onis todellavery nättipretty.
headspeakerJaand se onit's eleganttielegant!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerSeit onis täydellinenperfect sinullefor you!
headspeakerHienoaOK. HaluanI want punaisen takinthe red coat!
headspeakerKiitosthank you! Oletyou are todellavery hyvägood työssäsiat your job!
What does the woman mean?
  • She thinks Vikram should get a new job.
  • She thinks Vikram is good at his job.
  • She thinks the red coat is ugly.
headspeakerMissäwhere vointo be able (I) maksaa(to) pay?
headspeakerEn tiedäI don't know.
headspeakerEn ole töissäI don't work täällähere.
What happened in the story?
  • A woman gave Vikram a job at the store.
  • A woman thought Vikram worked at the store.
  • A woman helped Vikram buy a new hat.
Tap the pairs