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Butuh Bantuan?
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speakerButuhneed Bantuanhelp?

speakerLinLin sedang beradais currently dion jalanstreet.
Select the missing phrase
speakerDiashe melihatsees seoranga (person) priaman berdiristanding di dekatnear mobilcarnyahis.
speakerDiahe terlihatlooks cemasworried.
headspeakerPaksir, ada apawhat's the matter? Butuhneed bantuanhelp?
What comes next?
headspeakerIyayes, ini(here) mobilcar sayamy ada(has) masalahproblem.
  • misalexample lah(particle)
  • emasgolden halah(interjection)
  • masalahproblem
headspeakerBolehmay (I) pinjamborrow teleponnya(the) phone tidak(or) not, Buma'am?
speakerLin memberikangives teleponphonenyaher kepadato priaman ituthat.
headspeakerYayes, tapibut
headspeakerPermisiexcuse me sebentarone moment.
speakerPriaman ituthat berbicaratalks dion teleponphone.
headspeakerSelamat pagigood morning, inithis bengkelrepair shop mobilcar, kanright?
The man borrowed Lin's phone so he could…
  • …check the time.
  • …call an auto repair shop.
  • …look through her pictures.
headspeakerMobilcar sayamy adahas masalah(a) problem.
speakerPriaman ituthat mengabaikanignores Lin.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSayaI tidakdon't tahuknow sayaI (am) di manawhere.
headspeakerHmm… maafsorry, Buma'am?
headspeakerIni(here) di manawhere, ya(question)?
headspeakerDi dekatnear bengkelrepair shop mobilcar, kok(emphasis)!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerSayaI bekerjawork diat bengkelrepair shop setiapevery akhir pekanweekend!
headspeakerSayaI seoranga (person) montirmechanic.
headspeakerJadiso, apakah(question) Bapak(sir) you butuhneed bantuanhelp?
It turns out that Lin…
  • …doesn't know where she is.
  • …works at the auto repair shop.
  • …needs help buying a new phone.
Tap the pairs