Apartemen yang Sangat Kotor
Bea sedang beradais diin apartemenapartment temanfriendnyaher, Marina.
Halohello, Marina! Apa kabarhow are you?
Ohoh, tidakno … kenapabut?whybuah nagadragon fruit
terima kasihthank you

AkuI danand teman sekamarrommmatekumy yang(who is) barunew selalualways berdebatargue.Marina and her roommate argue all the time.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

AkuI tidak(am) not kagetsurprised, dapurkitchen kalianyour (all) kotordirty sekalivery.
Iyayes, akuI tahuknow.
Terus(and) then, apawhat ituthat yang adathat is dion mejatable? Kejucheese hijaugreen?
Iyayes, huekyuck!Select the missing phrase

Dion kursichair inithis jugaalso adathere are pakaianclothes kotordirty!
Tapibut, Marina, inithis kemejashirtmuyour.
Semuaall inithese bajuclothesmuyour!
Keju hijaunyathe green cheese gimanahow (about it)? Jugaalso punyamuyours, kanright??Choose the option that means "yours."
gimana? , ?

Iyayes, akuI tidak pernahnever bersih-bersihclean jadiso diashe selalualways marahangry kepadaatkume.
Menyebalkanannoying sekalivery!Ah ha! What do Marina and her roommate argue about?
Marina makes a mess and never cleans.
Bea likes to eat old cheese.
Marina wears all her roommate's clothes.
Tap the pairs