ZariZari yand LilyLily tanare nelon the autobúsbus.
¡LilyLily, haithere is una nuevunew escolínstudent nain the nuesaour clasclass!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Elthe sohis nomename yeis MiguelMiguel.
Síyes, yehe is defrom MéxicuMexico.
¡Elthe sohis pafather escribewrites llibrosbooks!Select the missing phrase

Perinteresantevery interesting.
Falahe speaks españolSpanish, asturianuAsturian, inglésEnglish yand portuguésPortuguese.
Ahoh, yehe is intelixenteintelligent.
Intelixenteintelligent… yand altutall. Yand tienhe has perguaposvery pretty…How does Zari describe Miguel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Ḥaha, ḥaha, ¿síyes?
Hmmhmm… Perguaposvery pretty zapatosshoes.
ZariZari, MiguelMiguel tais tresbehind de toof you.Choose the option that means "behind."
, de to.

¡Holahello, MiguelMiguel!
¡Holahello, LilyLily! ¿Cómo táshow are you?
Bienfine, graciesthank you.
MiguelMiguel, estathis yeis la mio amigathe my friend, ZariZari.
A ella gústen-yshe likes losthe tosyour... zapatosshoes.
Ahoh, hmmhmm, holahello… MiguelMiguel.Zari didn't realize that…
…Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
…Miguel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs