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Si Lucia At Ang Mga Dinosauro
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speakerSi LuciaLucy Atand Ang Mga Dinosaurothe dinosaurs

speakerBinuksanopened ni Lucia(by) Lucy ang pinto(was) the door ng kanyangof her apartmentapartment.
headspeakerKumustahello JunJunJunior!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerKumustahello Aling LuciaMs. Lucy! Puwedecan niyoyou po(respectful) akong tulunganhelp me sawith takdang-aralin komy homework?
headspeakerKailangan kongI have magsulatto write ng sanaysayan essay.
headspeakerAhoh, sigeyes.
headspeakerMahusayskilled akong(am) I manunulat(a) writer. Mayroonhave akong(do) I napakasikat na(a) very popular blogblog.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBinabasa mo bado you read ang blog komy blog?
headspeakerHindino po(respectful).
headspeakerMaramimany rinalso akong(have) I mga librobooks.
headspeakerKailangan mo bado you need ang mga libro komy books para safor pananaliksikresearch?
What's next?
headspeakerHindino po(respectful). Hindi ko kailanganI don't need...
  • magingto become sikatpopular
  • ang mga libro ninyoyour books
  • ang tulong ninyoyour help
headspeaker...ang mga libro ninyoyour books.
headspeakerAhoh. Tungkol saanabout what baactually ang iyong(is) your takdang-aralinhomework?
headspeakerTungkolabout po(respectful) sa mga dinosaurodinosaurs.
What is Junior's homework about?
  • dinosaurs
  • social media
  • Spanish literature
headspeakerEheh? Atand bakitwhy sa akinfrom me ka(are) you nagpapatulongasking for help?
headspeakerKasibecause sobrangextremely tandaold niyo(respectful) po(are) you.
headspeakerMaramia lot kayong(do) you alamknow tungkolabout sa mga dinosaurodinosaurs, hindi po badon't you?
headspeakerPaalamgoodbye naalready, JunJunJunior.
Why did Junior think Lucy knew about dinosaurs?
  • She is older than him.
  • She used to have a dinosaur as a pet.
  • She writes a blog about dinosaurs.
Tap the pairs