ZariZari eiand LilyLily stanare nolon autobústhe.bus
¡LilyLily, jalthere is una novonew escolénstudent nain nosaour clasclass!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Lo seuhis nomname séis MiguelMigel.
Sayes, séhe is defrom MécsicoMexico.
¡Lo seuhis pafather escribewrites livrosbooks!Select the missing phrase

Moi intresélvery interesting.
Parlahe speaks EspañólSpanish, AnglésEnglish eiand TiñaniólTinianan.
Ahoh, séhe is inteligéntintelligent.
Inteligéntintelligent… eiand failtall. Eiand tenehe has perbeitïsvery pretty…How does Zari describe Miguel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Jxaha, jxaha, ¿sayes?
Huumhmm… Perbeitïsvery pretty... sabatïsshoes.
ZariZari, MiguelMiguel stais à darrérbehind teuyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, Miguel .

¡Holahello, MiguelMiguel!
¡Holahello, LilyLily! ¿Com stashow are you?
Benfine, graciyathank you.
MiguelMiguel, aquestathis séis la mea amiçamy friend, ZariZari.
A ella li gradenshe likes los teisyour… sapatïsshoes.
Ahoh, huumhmm, holahello… MiguelMiguel.Zari didn't realize that…
…Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
…Miguel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs