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jan pi musi sike poki
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speakerjanplayer pi musi sike pokibasketball

speakerjan WikanVikram enand jan PisiPriti li tawago to tomo esuna supermarket.
headspeakermiwe wileneed e semewhat tanfrom tomo esunthe supermarket?
headspeakermiwe wileneed e telo walomilk e(and) pan lilirice e(and) kili lilibeans
headspeakerjan WikanVikram o(vocative) lukinlook at e jan nithis person!
headspeakerlon semewhere? jan semewho?
headspeakerjanperson nithis li lon(is) in musi sikebasketball, li(and) pona nanpa wan tawa sina(is) your favorite!
Who does Priti see?
  • Vikram's favorite basketball player
  • her favorite baseball player
  • some people playing a game
headspeakernithis li ona alanot him!
headspeakero kutelisten e mime, niit's li onahim! o(imperative) tokitalk tawato onahim!
headspeakeralaNo, miI am pilin nasanervous mutevery!
Choose the option that means "nervous."
, !
headspeakertasobut, jan WikanVikram o(vocative/imperative) lukinlook!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerlen noka sinayour shoes enand len noka onahis shoes li samathe same!
speakerjan nithe basketball player li lukinlooks at e jan WikanVikram e(and) jan PisiPriti.
headspeakerike aoh no, jan PisiPriti o(vocative), onahe li lukinlooking at e mime e(and) sinayou!
Why is Vikram worried?
  • The basketball player can't see.
  • He can't see his shoes.
  • The basketball player is looking at them.
headspeakerlontrue! onahe li tawacomming towards mius!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakermiI o seme(do) what?!
headspeakero(imperative) tokitalk tawato onahim!
headspeakermiI wilehave to wekago (away)!
headspeakerlen noka sinayour shoes li samasame as len mimy shoes, li(and) pona tawa lukinvery nice.
Why did the basketball player want to talk to Vikram?
  • He wants Vikram to join his team.
  • He wants Vikram to cook beans for him.
  • He and Vikram are wearing the same shoes.
Tap the pairs