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speaker回收recycling(is) very重要important

speaker朱朱Junior在帮is helping莎丽Zarito do学校school项目project
Zari is working on a school project about recycling.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeaker回收recycling很重要is important(particle)
headspeaker但是butIstill需要need一些a few塑料瓶plastic bottles
Select the missing phrase
speaker朱朱Junior就离开leaves,⁠过了几分钟after a few minutes带着bringing很多的a lot of塑料瓶plastic bottles回来comes back
headspeaker太感谢了thank you so much,⁠朱朱Junior
headspeaker不客气you are welcome。⁠Iwantto helpyou拯救save地球the Earth
Junior wants to help Zari save…
  • …the planet.
  • …her cat.
  • …some money.
speaker这时候at this time,⁠艾迪Eddy来了comes。⁠he举着holding塑料瓶a plastic bottledrinks果汁juice
Tap what you hear
speaker朱朱Junior拿走takes away艾迪的Eddy's瓶子bottle
headspeaker朱朱Junior!⁠你干啥呢what are you doing!⁠thatwasmy最后的last一瓶bottle of果汁juice
headspeaker有人someone(particle)剩下的the rest全喝掉了drank all
speaker朱朱Junior(particle)艾迪的Eddy's果汁juicepours在地上onto the floor,⁠然后then(particle)瓶子bottle递给hands to莎丽Zari
Choose the option that means "pours."
headspeaker莎丽Zari,⁠youonce again多出一个have one more瓶子bottle来了(particle)
headspeaker朱朱Junior,⁠youalso(particle)剩下那些瓶子里的from those other bottles果汁juiceall倒出来poured out(indicating change of state)(question particle)
headspeakeryes,⁠Iall倒到poured马桶toilet bowlinto(indicating change of state)
headspeaker因为becauseIwantto helpyou拯救save地球the Earth
How did Junior get the plastic bottles for Zari's project?
  • He poured out all of Eddy's juice in the bathroom.
  • He asked his neighbors to help him.
  • He got them at the city dump.
Tap the pairs